All photography provided by Jared Chambers


We get people moving and help them improve their health and fitness anywhere, anytime, any way they choose.


Our Mission

To make it easy to publish, sell, and consume a wide assortment of mobile-exercise programs from all kinds of fitness specialists so that people can get moving and improve their health and fitness anywhere, anytime, any way they choose.

Our TriadXP Trainer services and tools enable fitness specialists to quickly and easily convert and publish all kinds of exercise content into audio-visual mobile-exercise programs and promote and sell them in our online store, Consumers then use our free TriadXP mobile-fitness app, available on iOS and Android, to perform and track their workouts easily. Specialists and users form connections through search and discovery. In addition to receiving monetary payments, fitness specialists receive user ratings and reviews. These ratings and reviews help us control content quality and create “celebrities” within our community.